Tag Archive: cerebral palsy

Listen to Me

Yasin talks (babbles, really) a lot. “Bababababa, mamamamama, yayayayayaya, waaaaaaa.” It is always very pleasing to hear Yasin talk. And when it seems as though he wouldn’t like to talk, he shows us his opinions… Continue reading

A Pair of Shoes that Means the World

Salam and Greetings I finally have my very own pair of proper splints. Mum and Dad bought me a few pairs of shoes before, but they weren’t really useful for me yet. But… Continue reading

Me? CP?

Salaam and greetings It was March 22, 2011. Mummy and Daddy (Ok, Ibu & Bapak) took me to my review session with that lady neuro-doctor and her psychologisy friend (oh I know how… Continue reading